Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA). I guess almost all gamers started or had a brief background in the game called Defense Of the Ancients (DotA) and then later followed by League of Legends and so on. In my case, I'm hooked up with that kind game during my college days than playing physical sports (hehe). One complete DotA game would require more or less than an hour depending on the skills of players and intensity of clashes.
Now, here comes MOBA not built for your computer but in your mobile phones: Mobile Legends Bang Bang developed by Moonton. I recommend this than other available MOBA App in playstore because of its Smooth Gameplay and Superb Graphics!
Let me start introducing the Heroes with their skills and skin. Take note that all Heroes' default skin is purchasable using Battle points and alternatively through Diamonds.
Background: The renowned Bloodaxe orcs are the descendants of interbreeding between blood demons and other devils, and their custom of using arcane magic to infect the entire bodies of their enemies and animals with blood is a testament to this fact. They are the bloddthirsty and war-loving, and the strongest among them is named Balmond.
Balmond skins: Berserker (Center), Primal Fury (Left) and Ghoul's Fury (Right).
Balmond skins: Berserker (Center), Primal Fury (Left) and Ghoul's Fury (Right).
His Passive skill, Bloodthirst, allows you to regenerate HP each time you kill creeps or Hero. Soul Lock, lets you dash forward either to chase enemy or to retreat and has slow effect when it hits a hero. Cyclone Sweep, Aoe skill cause Balmond to swing his axe while moving, best when geared up with blade of destruction x2 or more. Ulti: Lethal Counter, AoE skill, simply use it when enemy's HP gauge drops below 30% for sure ownage.
Background: Ever since she was an apprentice wizard, Eudora's special talent for controlling lightning always shocked (no pun intended) her many teaches. After a brief period of study, her teachers discovered she had already mastered all they had to teach her. Yearning to continue her progress, Eudora set foot on the road to the land of dawn, believing that her lightning magic could reach new heights in that turbulent land.
Eudora skins: Lightning Sorceress (Center),Flame Red Lips (Left) and Christmas Cheer (Right).
Eudora skins: Lightning Sorceress (Center),Flame Red Lips (Left) and Christmas Cheer (Right).
Her passive skill, Superconductor, amplifies her lightning skills. Forked Lightning can be used for crowd control at the same time had added negative magic resistance effect on heroes. Second skill, Electric Arrow, stuns the target by 0.75s and additional 0.75s for enemy which received Superconductor effect, total of 1.5s booom. Ulti: the Thunderstruck, as the name implies, Eudora summons swarm of ligtning in an area dealing massive damage to main target and additional damage to those affected by Superconductor skill.
Yun Zhao
Background: Yun Zhao is a son of the Greatest Dragon, sworn to roam world to world assisting wise rulers by the Dragon's decree. Whenever a new king is in need of strength, Yun Zhao traverses space and time to remove all obstacles and enemies before the king using spear fighting techniques endowed upon him by the great dragon.
Yun Zhao skins: Son of Dragon (Center), Elite Warrior (Left) and Dragon knight (Right).
His Passive skill Dragon Flurry allows him to perform multiple hits on target. His Skill Spear flip carries the enemy hero over his back using his spear and causing slow effect. The point of transfer is always opposite to the area Yun Zhao is facing. He also has charge skill, the Spear Strike,which let him dash toward the target and render slow effect. Ulti: Supreme Warrior, Yun Zhao starts to go wild increasing his movement and attack speed.
Background: The world Layla lives in is full of a force called Malefic Energy, a savage and unruly energy that causes all living things that come in contact with it to lose their reason and become rabidly ferocious. This energy had all but wiped out her worldm until one day Layla's ather discovered a way to use a gun forged from magic iron from deep within the earth to absorb and control Malefic energy. Unfortunately, he absorbed too much energy during the forging process and died, but not before giving the completed gun to Layla in the hopes that she would halt the spread of Malefic energy.
Layla skins: Malefic Gunner (2nd from Left), Bunny Girl (Left), Green Flash (3rd from Left) and Cannon n' Roses (Right).
Her passive skill Malefic Gun amplifies her damage to long-range target. Malefic Bomb a burst of cannon on linear direction towards single enemy. The Void Projectile is an AoE skill that damages and lowers enemy movement. Ulti: Destruction Rush, fires a long range energy that hits every target in linear direction.
Background: In the town of Iga, the strongest ninja of every generation receives the title Shadow, responsible for the most dangerous and difficult missons, protecting te town of Iga day in abd day out, all wothout the knowledge of its inhibitants. At present, the freshly anointed Shadow of Iga, Hayabusa, has been transported to the Land of dawn to carry out the most dangerous and difficult missions: find and kill the previous generation's Shadow who betrayed and kill his friend, the one who was once lauded as the greatest ninja of Iga had seen in centuries
Hayabusa skins: Shadow of Iga (Left) and Spacetime Shadow (Right).
His passive skill Shadow heal, restore HP per 4 successful land of skill to enemy. Phantom Shuriken deals damage to opponent and if the 3 shuriken hits the target let you recover certain MP. Quad Shadow creates four shadow clone that allows him to teleport on four directions. Ulti: Ougi, deliver multiple hits on enemy and renders immunity to attack while slashing the target .
Background: In the far northern reaches of Nost Gal, there is alegend: When a warrior dies on the battlefield, the goddess of war Freya will come down from heaven, kiss the spirit of the fallen, and lead it to the Temple of Heroes, where former warriors can have a new life. Freya herself is outstanding warrior. She can both attack and defend with her sword and shield, and at critical moment in battle she can transform into a halberd and smash enemy formation.
Freya skins: Valkyrie (Left) and Dark Rose (Right)
Her Passive skill Spirit Contact give her shields that deal damage to enemy hero. Wings of Faith makes her leap into target and cause vacuum effect to the target. Godspeed Strike enhance normal attack and add stun on the 3rd attack. Ulti: Valkyrie, deals damage while boosting attack and armor.
Background: Scientist from another world gathered DNA from sword masters of hundreds of different races to create the ultimate swordsman using advance technology. They named him Saber. His sword can tear a hole in spacetimem allowing him to travel any place or time. His skills as a swordsman make him difficult to defeat, and also lonely beyond compare. After countless challengers were drawn to the land of dawn, Saber also turned his sights on this place, ripping through the fabric of space and time to set foot in the land of dawn and find an opponent worthy enough to face him.
Saber skins: Spacetime Swordmaster (Center), Golden Warrior (Left) and Force warrior (Right)
His Passive skill lowers the target defense every attack. Flying sword, summon spinning swords around him. Charge deals damage while moving away from certain position. Ulti: Triple Sweep, charge forward the opponent then juggle the enemy.
Background: In every battle, the mystic warrior Tigreal always fought in the front line and never suffered defeat. Even the vilest enemies did not dare to challenge Tigreal on the battlefield, because they knew such a foolish action would only be met with Tigreal's merciless blade. The name of Tigreal, a believer in the Lord of Light, has become synonymous with bravery and fearlessness. His kingdom has conferred upon him the honorable title of Warrior of light as reward.
Tigreal skins: Warrior of dawn (Right) and Dark knight (Left)
His passive skill, Fearless, bosst physical and magic defense as you attack the target Attack wave fires a wave that slows down opponent's movement speed. Sacred Hammer allows him to push the target forward then followed by 1 hit that stuns the enemy. Ulti: Implosion creates vacuum effect pulling the targets to himself and stun them.
Background: When just a child, both Alucard's parents were killed by demons and he was imprisoned and suffered cruelties at their hands several months, until finally he was rescued by demon hunters and raised by them. From a young age, he was raised to be an outstanding demon hunter, with an extreme enmity for the demon race. The three iron laws of demon hunters are: Swear no allegiance to any army. Spare not a single one of demonkind. Never stop carrying out missions.
Alucard skins: Demon hunter (Center), Lone Hero (Left) and Fiery inferno (Right)
His passive skill allows him to teleport to target after using skill. Groundsplitter, make Alucard to jump toward the target dealing AoE damage. Whirling smash makes him spin his sword dealing damage nearby. Ulti:Fission wave, gives him ability to steal opponents' HP as he slashes is sword with normal or skill based attack. Also grants the ability to cast offensive wave before the skill duration ends.
Background: Unlike the friendly moon elves, night elves were born into a world of darkness which casts a gloom on and twists their personalities. They offer their services as assassins to other races, as all night elves are born killers. Karina is a standout amongst them.Karina skins: Shadow blade (Center), Phantom blade (Left) and Christmas cheer (Right)
Her passive skill Combo Hit allows normal attack to inflict more damage base on enemy's lost Hp. Elusiveness allows Karina to be immune to physical attack at the same time increased in movement speed with added boost to next basic attack. It reduces skill cooldown upon successful assist or kill. Dance of death deals AoE damage and reduces skill cooldown upon assist or a kill. Ulti: Shadow Rush, deals massive damage in a row and reduces skill cooldown upon assist or kill.
Background: No one knows where he comes from or why ge fights, but everyone born in Wastelands knows that he is the only semblace of justice in these parts. Even the boldest of thieves wouldn't dare to challenge Clint and his six shooters. With his lightning reflexes and unparalleled accuracy, a flurry of bullets would be buried in his enemies' foreheads before they had time to blink. He only draws his guns or what he believes are just causes, but when he does, there's hardly a villain alive who can escape his righteous barrels.
Clint skins: Wasteland drifter (Center), Sun n' sand (Left) and Guns n' roses (Right)

Quick Draw passive produces laser like normal attack every 4s. Blind smoke, lowers the targets hit rate and movement speed. Heel rope deals physical damage with added slow effect then dash backwards for evasion. Ulti: Howitzer throws grenade toward the target dealing huge physical damage
Background: Despite just being human, Fanny never gave up on her dream of flying. She fashioned a lind of steel grappling hook for herself in the hopes of using it to grab onto cliff faces and soar between mountain peeks. After countless training sessions in live environments, Fanny has finally mastered this technique. Folks who have seen her soaring through the air refer to her as the blade of freedom.
Fanny skins: Hovering blade (Right) and Campus youth (Left)
Air Superiority passive increases her damage and regen energy when she kills a hero. Tornado Strike deliver AoE damage to enemy nearby. Steel Cable allows her to move fast from wall to another and trigger Tornado Strike along the nearby target. Ulti: Cut Throat deals massive damage on target.
Background: Onmyouji Master is a master of the yin yang arts, driven by powerful spirits yin and yang. The Kagura family is the oldest and most powerful of the Onmyouji, with the most powerful of all being the Ancestor Master. Kagura, as one in the Onmyouji family with most potentials, had been given the Seimei umbrella, an heirloom of yin yang arts passed down through generations. Legend has it that the umbrella had been refined by the great Seimei himself using the power from a hundred ghosts, and now possess life and wisdom of its own only controllable by its righful owner. After learning that his childhood playmate Falcon had headed to the land of dawn to undertake a dangerous mission. Kagura secretly took the Seimei umbrella and followed in Falcon's step, hoping to be able to help him in battle.Kagura skins: Onmyouji master (Right) and Flower season (Left)
Her passive skill Yin Yang Gathering generates a shield at same time stunning nearby enemy when hero and umbrella combine. Seimei Umbrella Open lets the umbrella fly to specified location and lowers enemy movement it hits. Rasho Umbrella Flee allows (with umbrella) her to move forward leaving the umbrella. Rasho Umbrella Flee allow (without umbrella) her to teleport to position of umbrella and deal magic damage . Ulti:Yin yang Overturn (with umbrella) pushes enemy nearby dealing magic damage. Ulti:Yin yang Overturn (without umbrella) creates an energy between the hero and umbrella dealing magic damage and lowering movement speed.
Background: Miya was born in the temple of the moon and studied hard to one day become a worthy sacrifice to the moon god. But when the fires of war of the race of men and orcs reached the moonlit shores of the moon elves' lakeside habitat, Miya rose up and led forth her countrymen in defiance of foreign invaders. Despite their best efforts, Miya and her fellow elves were finally forced by the countless enemy horde to make a last stand in the Temple of the moon. As Miya knelt in the center of the temple to offer prayers for one last time, just as the great army of men and orcs were about to destroy this sacred place, a miracle occured. The moon god answered Miya's prayer and blessed her longbow with an ancient and powerful blessing. Miya grasped the bow and fire an arrow, which was transoformed into an eagle spirit by the power of the stars, splitting the enemy army asunder. Miya led her countrymen out of the temple, raining showers of star-wrought arrows upon the enemy with each pull of her bow. Meanwhile an eagle hovered over the enemy, singling them out and attacking them. Like a retreat. Miya and her countrymen retook the shores of the moon god,and the moon elves recognized Miya and her spirit eagle as the moon god incarnated. The young Miya knew her heart that if this problem was not stopped at the root, the wars would never end. With the moon god's blessing, she set out a journey to the land of dawn, hoping to find a king who could bring peace and order back to the world.
Miya skins: Moonlight archer (2nd from Left), Queen of banshees (Left), Christmas cheer(2nd from right) and Captain thorns(Right)

Her Passive skill Turbo boost her attack speed. Fission shot let her split arrow dealing more damage to main target and lesser AoE damage on nearby opponent. Rain of Arrows summons ice arrows that slows down and freezes the target. Ulti: Turbo Stealth removes negative status effect and grants invisibility. Also boost attack speed and movement speed.
Background: Thousand of years ago, the humans defeated the Blood demons and imprisoned their queen Alice in the dark abyss. Today, the land of dawn face huge turbulance. The seal's power has slowly weakend, and Alice has broken free of her ancient prison, driven mad by her endless lust for blood. She has sucked the life out of any creature in her path and now, momentarily satisfied, she has set her sights on.
Alice skins: Queen of the apocalypse (Right) and Spirit woman (Left)
Blood Ancestry passive lets her absorb blood orbs and convert to HP. Flowing Blood deal magic damage on enemies in linear direction. Blood Awe is an AoE magic damage with added stun effect to target. Ulti: Blood Ode replenish HP by absorbing blood from opponents
That's the end of the first half introduction of Mobile Legend Heroes.
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